09.00 – 09.45
Registration of participants
10.00 – 11.20
Official opening of the fellow nationals forum


Rinat Kertayev - The Head of the Public Found "Altyn Qyran Foundation", a well-known journalist, media manager


Akbar Mazhit - Laureate of the State Prize of China, People's Writer of China, Honored Writer of Kazakhstan

Bakey Agypar - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences (Mongolia)

Baigali Serkebayev - Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, producer of the musical group "A-studio"

Rasul Kusherbayev - Advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ex-deputy of the Majilis

Yeshim Savash - Deputy Mayor of Crey for Culture (France)

Aray Sabyrzhan - Employee of Google (USA)

11.20 – 11.40
Coffee break
11.40 – 13.00
The role of ethnic Kazakhs living abroad in the development of the country


Abzal Saparbekuly - President of NJSC "Otandastar Qory"


Islambek Salzhanov - Entrepreneur, philanthropist, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Public Fund "Altyn Qyran Foundation", President of the National Sports Association

Nurshat Nurazhe - Professor at Nazarbayev University, Head of the Laboratory of New Materials and Solar Energy Systems

Zhalynbek Zhainarbai - Director of SignTech Company, partner of Damu Business Group Association, Deputy of Almaty City Council

Orkesh Slambol  - Chairman of the Management Board of Central Asia of UWEE GROUP company; Permanent Secretary of the Alliance of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the People's Republic of China; Main Representative of Shandong Province in Central Asia, China

Yerbolat Bedelkhan - The founder of the JUZ Entertainment production center

13.00 – 14.00
Buffet lunch for foreign guests
14.10 – 15.30
Intellectual potential of compatriots - as a driver for the promotion of national values


Alikhan Baimenov - state and public figure, President of "Togyzkumalak" Federation


Zhanar Sagat - Famous actress, director, TV presenter (China)

Sadiya Surer - Chairman of the Kazakh Association of Cologne in Germany, Chairman of the Kurultai of the Kazakhs of Europe 

Tatiana Poltavskaya - Honored Worker of Culture of the Kazakh SSR

Raushan Kanapyanova - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Academy of National Economy (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) under the President of the Russian Federation

Asset Abdualiyev - Head of "Silkroad Innovation Hub", founder of the organization "Digital Nomads" in the USA

Merey Amanbayeva - Deputy Akim of Navoi city of the Republic of Uzbekistan, entrepreneur

15.40 – 17.00
Kazakh language in the XXI century and modern trends


Makpal Zhumabay - General Director of the National Scientific and Practical Center "Til-Qazyna" named after Sh. Shayakhmetov


Saule Taikesheva - RF, Representative of the International Association "Kazakh language" Orenburg

Aigul Ormanova - Head of the Abai Institute of National Scientific and Practical Centre "Til-Qazyna"

Onaisha Mandoki - Head of the Department of Cultural Communication of the Kazakh-Hungarian Foundation "Bars" and Head of the Abai Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Hungary

Bolat Karimbek – Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Azat Shaueyev – Head of the State Language Development Fund,  Manager of Project

Rysbek Mauit - Head of the educational center "Zerdeli"

17.00 – 17.20
Coffee break
17.20 – 18.40
New media and modern trends


Dikan Kamzabekuly – General Director of
«RG "Egemen Kazakhstan" LLP, a well-known journalist  


Yerkezhan Kuntugan – Director of the TV channel "Jibek Joly"

Yertolkyn Gairettullah - Winner of the national competition "Urker", editor-in-chief of the magazine "Kazakh Eli", head of the Kazakh-Turkish Society of Education and Research

Kyran Talapbek - Is a popular mobilographer

Erbol Seilkhan - The author of the YouTube channel "Surauy bar" the main producer of the "Halyq Uni" media holding.

18.50 – 19.20
Presentation of new projects of NJSC "Otandastar Qory"

Presentation of new projects of NJSC "Otandastar Qory" 

Presentation of 11 books within the framework of the "Uly Dala" project

Mereke Kulkenov - Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan

Berlin Irishev - President of the Association of Kazakhstanis in France 

Presentation of the Qazalem portal

Sayasat Ideyatuly - Main manager of NJSC "Otandastar Qory"

Abylai Zhusipbek - Executive Director of "ZIZ INC" LLP

Bekzhan Rakjymzhanov - Software Architecture director, ZIZ INC LLP

Elnar Salpekov - A student of the 11th grade of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School

19.20 – 20.20
Taiqazan - Final session


The representative of the delegation from Uzbekistan - Serikbay Usenov - Chairman of the Kazakh National Cultural Center in Uzbekistan

Representative of the delegation from the USA - Kuatbek Makum - President of the Kazakh Society "Shanyrak" (Houston, USA)

Republic of Korea - Nazgul Karabayeva - Head of the Kazakh Association "Tomiris", Seoul

Announcement and adoption of the resolution by the forum participants 

Closing word:

Abzal Saparbekuly - President of NJSC "Otandastar Qory"